7 Expert Tips To Make Your Solar Garden Lights Brighter

By Kami Turky

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Does this sound familiar? yes for the solar lights

You were looking for a way to light up your yard at night without running up your power bill or worrying about forgetting to turn the lights on and off.

Then you stumbled across solar garden lights and decided to purchase some bright solar light, which performed well for a couple of nights but are no longer as bright as they used to be.

If you answered yes, then you are not alone. In fact, many people have experienced this exact problem.

But the good news is that with just some steps you can make your solar garden solar lights brighter than the other solar lights.

And in this article, we will provide you with 7 easy tips on how to make your solar lights brighter.

So without further ado let’s go through these amazing tips to help to raise the effeciency of the solar lights.

1. Place Your Solar Garden Lights In The Best Location In The Solar Lights

When it comes to installing outdoor solar light in your yard, the most crucial factor to consider is placement.

Naturally, solar lighs needs more sunlight to generate electricity. Thus, you want to ensure that yours get as much direct sunlight from the solar lights as possible every day. 

And one of the best ways to make your solar lights brighter is to track the sun in your region.

Due to the fact that the Earth rotates around the sun, we need to point our solar light to the direction that faces the sun for the longest period of time.

And surely it’s south for people who live in the Northern hemisphere and north if you live in the Southern Hemisphere.

Also, some solar light include rotating heads, which means you can adjust the angle of the solar light to give it more led light exposure than it previously had.

Related article: How To Charge Solar Lights Brighter Without More Sunlight from the solar lights?

Pro Tip: To make your solar lights give the most sunlight surely, monitor how much more sunlight you get in various areas of your yard and choose which location results in a brighter light output and higher running time, as this will be the best place for you to make your solar light installed. 

Another thing to keep in mind is shading, so bear in mind that in the afternoon, a tree, a shrub, or even a house wall may block a location that receives plenty of sunlight in the morning.

Even a small shadow on any part of your panel can substantially decrease the output of your solar lights brighter than the other solar lights.

So one of the most crucial things to remember is that you must track the shading for a better installation.

Related article: Can Solar Lights Charge In Shade of the other solar lights?

Finally, in the case of solar lights brighter with separate solar lights, you can add another layer of safety by digging a hole to bury the wires of the solar light at least 6 inches deep.

You may choose to insert the cables in a plastic tube as well, as by doing this you will be less inclined to cut them accidentally throughout the digging process and you will better insulate the wires for better conductivity.

Related article: How To Install Solar Lights?

2. Clean The Solar lights Brighter With A Slight Adjustment

To maintain your home clean and functional, everything in it needs a little love and care. This also applies to the solar panels on your yard lighting.

Dirt and stains in your solar panels will affect the light-receiving area and therefore the output, making your garden solar lights brighter in order to be less bright than they used to be.

So you have to ensure that your solar panel light captures the maximum energy from the sun by keeping the glass cover meticulously clean and free of foreign objects like dirt and stains.

Related article: How To Increase Your Solar Panel Output in sloar lights?

And to keep it clean use a brush to remove any excess debris or whatever is stuck on top of the solar panels, so if you make your lights brighter and mounted up high, remove them so you’ll have easier access to the solar panels.

Further, you need to scrub the surface of the solar panels carefully with a damp piece of cloth, preferably a microfiber cloth with a blog post in an eco friendly way using a soft cloth.

After cleaning the solar panels, use a clean paper towel to remove any leftover soapy water, leaving the solar panels beautiful and glossy thanks to the soapy water.

When you wash the surface, make sure you use a soft cloth sponge and a simple detergent. DO NOT use a strong cleaning chemical that can damage the surface.

Another reason why your cheap solar lights aren’t as bright as the other solar lights they used, is cloudy plastic over the solar panel light. 

Here is how to clean cloudy solar panel cell plastic cover with a soft cloth:

Clean the plastic with a little slight adjustment of a wet paper towel to check if it’s hazy or just filthy. The hazy plastic may be made transparent again with a layer of lacquer or nail paint in solar lights.

Whether the plastic covering the solar panel cell appears white or cloudy rather than clear, frequent cleaning will reveal if the cloudiness is merely dirt and pollution accumulation that can be wiped away, or if the plastic continues to look the same after cleaning.

Related article: How To make Solar Lights brighter than the other solar lights

3. Clean The Solar Lights Brighter Casing

Another important step in the cleaning process is to clean your light casing.

While cleaning more light fixtures may not be at the top of your to-do list, it’s one of those simple tasks that can really brighten up your garden.

Accumulated dust, and other grime cloud light led bulbs in sloar lights, coverings, and fixtures dimensioning more light flow.

All you have to do now is clean the cover with a sponge and a light detergent.

4. Check The Batteries In Solar Lights

Another essential component of solar garden lighting is batteries.

This is where the sun’s energy is kept, and it is this energy that powers the lights inside the solar panel. 

While these rechargeable batteries are usually built to last, this does not guarantee that they will last a lifetime.

Check the rechargeable batteries in your solar panel regularly to see whether they are broken or rusted. 

If they are rusted, you will see a white powder surrounding the connecting terminals. You can attempt to clear it away and see if it enhances the battery life and performance.

Additionally, to remove this powder you have to use cookies and a brush and remove the powder from both the battery and the housing in the solar light.

Now you have the choice of reinstalling the battery or replacing it with a new one (we prefer the latter, especially if your batteries haven’t been replaced in a while).

In general, the battery in outdoor solar panel of solar lights is intended to last 3-4 years before needing to be changed.

Another solution to boost your battery performance is to recalibrate it. 

Calibration occurs by applying a full charge, discharge, and charge. This is done in the equipment or with a battery analyzer as part of battery maintenance.

To apply it to your battery, here is what you need to do:

  1. Keep your solar lights brighter in a dark room until the battery is completely discharged.
  2. Turn off the light switch in solar lights.
  3. Keep the solar panel for 2-3 days from the solar lights in direct sunlight without using it.
  4. Now, boom you have recalibrated batteries, easy steps huh!

Related article: Can I Use Higher mAh Battery In Solar Lights?

5. Fix The Connection Between The Panel And The Battery Charger.

The solar panel cable will not be able to efficiently transmit all of the power to the battery if it is not correctly insulated.

As a result, a significant amount of the energy produced will be wasted, and the solar panel will be unable to fully charge your battery.

So, if the running duration of your solar garden lights has suddenly decreased, you should double-check the wiring.

Related article: Why Solar garden Lights Not Working And How To Fix Them

6. Check The LED Light

While LEDs are the preferred light source for solar garden lights due to their extended lifespan and low energy usage compared to incandescent lamps, they ultimately wear out and lose power

This is because these LEDs are connected together in series, so if one of your LEDs goes out, this can affect the total output of your solar garden light.

And if this is the case, and the light has a replaceable led bulb, just replace it with a new LED light. 

Related article: Are Solar garden Lights Brighter Enough?

7. Hack the lights Brighter

These are only a few hacks to attempt if you’re already engaged in the worlds of construction and technology.

If you don’t, these may be too much for you to handle and aren’t worth attempting. So just skip this step if you aren’t interested.

The good news is that solar light is quite cheap and can be bought at a dollar shop. 

As a result, you may try a few and not risk losing all of your money due to a poor attempt.

Most low-cost solar lights will have a voltage of 2-5 volts, which is quite low according to the other solar lights. 

The procedures for rigging your gadget and making your solar garden light brighter than the other solar lights from the sun.

So, let me show you how to hack your light step by step:

  1. Disassemble the solar garden light and unplug all of the wires. Yes, each and every wire.
  2. Take note of the battery size and replace it with one that is twice as powerful in mah/volts. (Some hackers use a 500-mA battery for these tiny sizes, which may seem unnecessary but is the right quantity for this project.) It will depend on your particular model and the voltage it can handle, so figure out what you’re dealing with first then scale it to this approach.
  3. An inductor, which is the component that is supposed to make your solar garden light brighter or dimmer, is found in almost all circuits. If you’re more visual, look up an image to see which portion you’ll be changing here, but it’s very straightforward.
  4. Make some changes to the circuit board and play around with adding more options in led bulbs. To connect two lights, just use cookies and wire tighteners and match up the positive and negative ends.
  5. Changing the inductor value might be part of the circuit modification (making it shine brighter)
  6. Reconnect the battery pack and replace the cover to create a dual-light source!

Related article: How Do Solar garden Lights Work?

Last Words

As promised, in this article, we provided you with 7 amazing tips to make cheap solar garden lights brighter.

We hope this clarified things for you, and if you have any other questions, feel free to share them with us in the comments section below.

Kami Turky

Kami is a solar engineer with nearly a decade of experience in researching, testing, and reviewing various solar products.He has also provided technical consultation to several organizations on the best ways to incorporate solar energy into their operations.When he’s not busy helping others find the best solar solutions, Kami enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking, camping, and exploring the natural wonders of his home state.

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